Donna Drumm teaching Masters of Health Administration program @ Mercy College

Beginning next week, I will be teaching students in Mercy College's Master of Health Administration program Law, Government and Policy. Preparing for the course has given me more knowledge to empower students to make a difference in three ways: 1) The 'formal way', learning how to write a bill and bring it to a Comgressman.

2) Impacting policy from the workplace or 'behind the desk' advocacy.

3) Having no governmental experience, the activist way - someone who is not a professional politician or health administrator, who believes something should be changed and has the will to do so.

I bring this to my clients who having experienced the difference an ADA Advocate can bring to a court setting, are empowered to want to start up non profits or write books to help others suffering from disabilities to become aware of their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.